Overtime Distribution Subtask

Use the Overtime Distribution subtask to view the overtime hours that were automatically calculated by Time & Expense based on regular hours entered.


In addition to the content within this topic, also see: Deltek Costpoint 82 Overtime Distribution Subtask Quick Steps

If your timesheet is configured to automatically calculate overtime, you can enter all of your time as regular hours, and based on overtime rules and the number of hours entered, Time & Expense determines the overtime hours and redistributes those hours to the appropriate overtime pay type.

Depending on configuration of your timesheet class, overtime is calculated and redistributed either after the timesheet is saved or after it is signed. The Overtime Distribution option displays on the More drop-down list only if overtime was calculated after you saved or signed your timesheet.

Click Overtime Distribution on the More drop-down list to view overtime hours and distribution.

For each day/date where overtime exists, the subtask displays three separate entries:

  • The total number of regular hours (for example, 10 hours).
  • The overtime hours removed from the regular hours pay type, which is a negative number of hours (for example, -2).
  • The overtime hours added to overtime pay type, which is a positive number of hours (for example, 2) .

The above occurs for every charge code entered on the timesheet where overtime is calculated and redistributed. For example, if you worked 3 hours overtime, but those hours were entered against three separate regular charge codes on the main timesheet, the subtask will display nine lines total.

Overtime is automatically calculated and redistributed only if no overtime charges were manually entered on the timesheet. If you manually add an overtime charge to the timesheet, overtime charges must be manually entered for the entire pay period.

Field Description

The line number of the first row in the subtask corresponds directly to the row on the main timesheet where the first overtime calculation occurred.

Each overtime calculation creates three rows in the subtask: one showing total hours worked on that day/date and two others showing the overtime distribution (negative and positive values). Although the three rows display sequentially, the line numbers of the rows showing the distribution might not be sequential to the row showing the total hours.

This is because the line number of the row showing total regular hours in the subtask matches the line number of those same hours the main timesheet table.

For example, if rows 5 and 6 in the main timesheet table both have overtime calculations, then in the subask, the line number sequence would be 5, 7, and 8 for the first calculation, and 6, 9, 10 for the second one.

Description This field displays the charge description.
Pay Type This field displays the pay type, either R for regular or O for overtime.

The Day/Date column displays the overtime hours that were calculated for a given day/date on the timesheet.

Three rows display for each overtime calculation. The first one displays the total number of regular hours entered for that day/date on the main timesheet. The next two rows show the overtime, one row displaying negative hours and the other positive hours. The negative entry removes the hours from the regular pay type, and the positive entry redistributes the hours to the overtime pay type.

Note: The Regular and Overtime rows at the bottom of the main timesheet are also updated to reflect the amount of overtime calculated per day/date. For example, if you originally entered 10 regular hours, and 2 hours were calculated as overtime after signing, the summary rows at the bottom of main timesheet will display the following updated totals:
  • Regular: 8
  • Overtime: 2
  • Total: 10

However, your original regular hours entry (10 in this example) on the timesheet is unchanged, and pay type details for the overtime hours only display in the Charge Distribution subtask.